Brooklands Whole School Curriculum 2024-25
Keeping you informed about what your child is learning this year is important to us. It gives you the opportunity to see how you can best support your child’s learning outside of school and also to see how we are making learning links across our curriculum.
The intention of our curriculum is evident through it's content.
We are committed to providing an ambitious, broad and creative curriculum that gives our pupils a school experience that fosters intellectual curiosity and a lifelong love of learning. We have an effective balance of both primary and secondary trained staff who are experienced at all key stages, with the advantage of being able to offer subject specialist teaching, to all year groups, to develop their enthusiasm for knowledge and practical skills.
As well as academic content we aim to give your child opportunities to develop
character-building skills that will benefit them in every stage of their school life and beyond.
We place great value on the development of children as individuals and provide our pupils with the skills, knowledge and understanding they need to develop into well-rounded, informed individuals.
Our timetable reflects our whole school priorities and the needs of each cohort of pupils, maximising opportunity for creative, innovative, meaningful cross curricular links and learning experiences. We measure the success of our curriculum through regular parental and pupil feedback as well as through liaison with other schools and outside agencies such as external consultants and Ofsted.
Our ABC Curriculum Vision:
Ambitious - Staff and pupils share high expectations of themselves and each other and all pupils are encouraged to strive for academic and personal excellence. Our curriculum has purpose and meaning - pupils know what they are learning and why.
Broad & Balanced - Whilst English, Reading and Maths are at the core of what we do, we also place great importance on scientific, creative and physical excellence. We have a knowledge rich and subject specific curriculum which supports children to develop the skills to memorise, understand, apply, analyse, evaluate and create. A framework of knowledge and skills is mapped out across the whole school so there is clear progression of age expectation, which informs assessment and planning.
Creative - Integrated learning that increases metacognition, self-regulation and independence. Our curriculum is inclusive & personalised. Teachers recognise and draw on children's strengths and interests as well as addressing gaps and difficulties; promoting a culture of acceptance. Our curriculum is inclusive and promotes a good understanding of the protected characteristics of our pupils. We do not discriminate between our pupils on grounds of any disability, race, sex, gender reassignment, religion or belief and actively encourage our pupils to be understanding and considerate of all. Our curriculum is compliant with the Equality Act 2010 and the Special Educational Needs and Disability Regulations 2014.We place emphasis on the importance of physical and mental well-being, parental and home support; preparing our children to be responsible citizens of the future.If you require further information regarding our curriculum please contact the school office and we will be happy to help.
Mrs A Ashwell - Deputy Headteacher - Quality of Education
Miss C Woodall - Assistant Headteacher - Quality of Education
Brooklands School Priorities 2023_26
Brooklands Whole School Curriculum 2024_25 Intent Implementation Impact
Brooklands Whole School Curriculum Map 2024_25 Overview
Art Curriculum Overview 2024_25
Computing Curriculum Overview 2024_25
Design Technology (incl Food) Curriculum Overview 2024_25
English Curriculum Overview 2024_25
Geography Curriculum Overview 2024_25
History Curriculum Overview 2024_25
Maths Curriculum Overview 2024_25
MFL Curriculum Overview 2024_25
Music Curriculum Overview 2024_25
Personal Development Curriculum Overview 2024_25
Physical Education Curriculum Overview 2024_25
RE, Philosophy & Ethics Curriculum Overview 2024_25
Science Curriculum Overview 2024_25
Brooklands Year 8 Options Curriculum Map 2024_25 Overview
Year 8 Art Option Curriculum Overview 2024_25
Year 8 Business and Finance Option Curriculum Overview 2024_25
Year 8 Computing Option Curriculum Overview 2024_25
Year 8 Geography Option Curriculum Overview 2024_25
Year 8 Science Crest Award Option Curriculum Overview 2024_25
Year 8 Sports Leaders Option 2024_25
Year 8 Visual Arts and Expressive Media Option Curriculum Overview 2024_25
Year 5 Progression Plans 2024 - 25
Year 6 Progression Plans 2024 - 25
Year 7 Progression Plans 2024 - 25
Year 8 Progression Plans 2024 - 25
Reading Progression Plans 2024_25